The KW2M Eco Power Meter is a cabinet mounted (DIN) expandable Power Meter that is equipped with two Ethernet ports for communication and remote configuration. This unit contains a web interface for configuration and now can utilize the built-in web page for data visualization when used with the KW2M-X.
Main Unit Expandable With Up To 3 Expansion Units
Each Unit Can Measure Up To 2 Circuits (8 Circuits With 3 Expansion Units)
Accuracy: 0.2% For V, I And 0.5% For kWh
Power Quality Measurements (THD And Harmonic Analysis Up To The 31st Order)
Bidirectional Energy Measurement (Energy Produced And Energy Consumed)
Operation: at -10 to +50 ℃ 14 to 122 ℉ Storage: at -25 to +70 ℃ -13 to 158 ℉
30 to 85% RH (at 20℃ 68℉) with non-condensing
Between the isolated circuits: 2,000 V/1 min ・ Enclosure - All terminals ・ Between primary and secondary insulated circuits (Double insulation is supported) (1) Power supply terminals - other terminals (2) Voltage input terminal - other terminals
Between the isolated circuits: 100 MΩ or more
10 to 150Hz (7.5 minutes/cycle), Single amplitude: 0.75 mm 0.030 in (1 h on 3 axes) 10 to 55Hz (1 minute/cycle), Single amplitude: 0.375 mm 0.015 in (1 h on 3 axes)
Operation: at -10 to +50 ℃ 14 to 122 ℉ Storage: at -25 to +70 ℃ -13 to 158 ℉
30 to 85% RH (at 20 ℃ 68 ℉) with non-condensing
・Between the isolated circuits : 2,000 V/1 min • Enclosure - All terminals • Between primary and secondary insulated circuits (Double insulation is supported) (1) Power supply terminals - other terminals (2) Voltage input terminal - other terminals
Between the isolated circuits : 100 MΩ or more
・10 to 150 Hz (7.5 minutes/cycle) Single amplitude : 0.75 mm 0.030 in (1 h on 3 axes) ・10 to 55 Hz (1 minute/cycle) Single amplitude : 0.375 mm 0.015 in (1 h on 3 axes)
Min. 294 m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes)
Black-and-white LCD with backlight (graphic form)
500, 1000, 2000, 3000 ms (set with setting mode)
Internal memory
Under 2,000 m 6,562 ft
85 x 140 x 65 mm 3.346 x 5.512 x 2.559 in
Approx. 450 g (Main unit) Approx. 200 g (Expansion unit)
January 1, 2015 00 : 00 : 00 to December 31, 2099 23 : 59 : 59 (leap year supported)
Monthly accuracy Max. 15 sec. (at 25 ℃ +77 ℉)
About 1 month (by secondary battery When power off after 48-hour or more of power on time, at +23℃ +73.4 ℉)
5 minutes
R-current, S-current,T-current, N-current, Average of current R-voltage (L1-N), S-voltage (L2-N), T-voltage (L3-N), Average of phase-voltage, RS-voltage (L1-L2), ST-voltage (L2-L3), TR-voltage (L3-L1) Average of line-voltage Pulse count value
Every hour xx : 05 : 05 (fixed)
96 records for 1 file (for one-day)(Max. 60 days)
15 minutes
All items excluding for harmonics and conversion value for integral active power
Every hour xx : 15 : 05 (fixed)
2976 records for 1 file (for one-month)(Max. 24months)
1 minute
Present demand (active power, reactive power, apparent power, active power(export), reactive power(export)) Pulse conversion value for integral power, Present current demand (1), (2), (3)
Every hour xx : 25 : 05 (fixed)
1000 records for 1 file (Max. 100 files)
Power interruption, Over voltage, Under voltage, Over current, Under current (with time stamp of event occurrence and occurrence period)
Every hour xx : 35 : 05 (fixed)
1000 records for 1 file (Max. 100 files)
IEEE802.3u, 100BASE-TX / 10BASE-T
Synchronous communication method
Isolated with the internal circuits
MEWTOCOL, MODBUS (RTU)(select with setting mode)
99 units (max.) (Note): For RS485 converter on the computer side, we recommend SI-35 and SI-35USB (from LINE EYE Co.,Ltd.). When using SI-35, SI-35USB or PLC from our company (which can be connected up to 99 units), up to 99 can be connected. In case using this system with the other devices, up to 31 can be connected.
1,200 m 3,937 ft (Note): Please check with the actual devices when some commercial devices with RS485 interface are connected. The number of connected devices, transmission distance, and transmission speed may be different according to using transmission line.
Not available / Odd number / Even number (select with setting mode)
1 bit, 2 bit (select with setting mode)
100 Mbps / 10 Mbps
Base band
100 m 328 ft
UTP (category 5)
Setting, Monitoring measured values, Web customization (Note): Control Web Creator is necessary to customize the web.
Auto-negotiation function (Note) MDI/MDI-X auto-crossover function (Note): It changes the transmission speed automatically with auto-negotiation function.
MEWTOCOL,MODBUS(TCP)(2 session for each)
・Ethernet is the trademark of Xerox of USA. ・This product has the software developed by OpenSSL Project in order to use OpenSSL Toolkit. (http : //
PhotoMOS relay
100 mA, 30 V AC/DC
Pulse input Synchronized with input from outer device Measure maintenance time
Stand-by alarm/ Under voltage alarm/ Over voltage alarm/ Power interruption alarm/ Under current alarm/ Over current alarm/ Active power alarm/ Reactive power alarm/ Apparent power alarm/ PF alarm/ Over frequency alarm/ Under frequency alarm/ Voltage harmonics alarm/ Current harmonics alarm/ Voltage THD alarm/ Current THD alarm/ Unbalanced voltage alarm/ Unbalanced current alarm/Power demand alarm/ Current demand alarm/ Counter output/ Level output (external control)/ Time control
・ Self-reset (according to the setting) / Manual-reset
Zener diode
Lighting alarm mark
・Normal : OFF ・ Alarm : ON
100 mA, 30 V AC/DC
Input dedicated insulation (insulated with other function terminals)
Connection point / non-voltage a contact or open collector (operated by internal power source)
Non-voltage input ・ Impedance during short-circuit : 1 kΩ or less (short- circuit current, approx. 10 mA or less) ・ Residual voltage during short-circuit : 3 V or less ・ Impedance while open : 100 kΩ or more
2000 Hz / 30 Hz
0.25 ms (2000 Hz selected) / 16.7 ms (30 Hz selected) ON : OFF ratio = 1 : 1
Up to three decimal points can be selected
0.001 to 100.000 (set with setting mode)
1,000 to 99,000 pulse/kWh Arbitrary setting (External pulse converter required)
0.001 to 100.000 kWh/pulse
・Pulse width : 0.25 ms or more ・Pulse interval : 0.5 ms or more (OFF time 0.25 ms or more)
・Pulse width : 16.7 ms or more ・Pulse interval : 33.4 ms or more (OFF time 16.7 ms or more)
Operation: at -10 to +50 ℃ 14 to 122 ℉ Storage: at -25 to +70 ℃ -13 to 158 ℉
30 to 85% RH (at 20℃ 68℉) with non-condensing
Between the isolated circuits: 2,000 V/1 min ・ Enclosure - All terminals ・ Between primary and secondary insulated circuits (Double insulation is supported) (1) Power supply terminals - other terminals (2) Voltage input terminal - other terminals
Between the isolated circuits: 100 MΩ or more
10 to 150Hz (7.5 minutes/cycle), Single amplitude: 0.75 mm 0.030 in (1 h on 3 axes) 10 to 55Hz (1 minute/cycle), Single amplitude: 0.375 mm 0.015 in (1 h on 3 axes)
Min. 294 m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes)
Black-and-white LCD with backlight (graphic form)
500, 1000, 2000, 3000 ms (set with setting mode)
Internal memory
Under 2,000 m 6,562 ft
85 x 140 x 65 mm 3.346 x 5.512 x 2.559 in
Approx. 450 g
IEEE802.3u, 100BASE-TX / 10BASE-T
Synchronous communication method
Isolated with the internal circuits
MEWTOCOL, MODBUS (RTU)(select with setting mode)
99 units (max.) (Note) For RS485 converter on the computer side, we recommend SI-35 and SI-35USB (from LINE EYE Co.,Ltd.) . When using SI-35, SI-35USB or PLC from our company (which can be connected up to 99 units), up to 99 can be connected. In case using this system with the other devices, up to 31 can be connected.
1,200 m 3,937 ft (Note) Please check with the actual devices when some commercial devices with RS485 interface are connected. The number of connected devices, transmission distance, and transmission speed may be different according to using transmission line.
Stand-by alarm/ Under voltage alarm/ Over voltage alarm/ Power interruption alarm/ Under current alarm/ Over current alarm/ Active power alarm/ Reactive power alarm/ Apparent power alarm/ PF alarm/ Over frequency alarm/ Under frequency alarm/ Voltage harmonics alarm/ Current harmonics alarm/ Voltage THD alarm/ Current THD alarm/ Unbalanced voltage alarm/ Unbalanced current alarm/ Power demand alarm/ Current demand alarm/ Counter output/ Level output (external control)
Self-reset (according to the setting) / Manual-reset
Zener diode
Lighting alarm mark
Normal: OFF Alarm: ON
100 mA, 30 V AC/DC
Input dedicated insulation (insulated with other funct ion terminals)
Connection point / non-voltage a contact or open collector (operated by internal power source)
Non-voltage input ・ Impedance during short-circuit: 1 kΩ or less (short- circuit current, approx. 10 mA or less) ・ Residual voltage during short-circuit: 3 V or less ・ Impedance while open: 100 kΩ or more
2000 Hz / 30 Hz
0.25 ms (2000 Hz selected) / 16.7 ms (30 Hz selected) ON: OFF ratio = 1: 1
Up to three decimal points can be selected
0.001 to 100.000 (set with setting mode)
1,000 to 99,000 pulse/kWh Arbitrary setting (External pulse converter required)
0.001 to 100000 kWh/pulse
Pulse width: 0.25 ms or more Pulse interval: 0.5 ms or more (OFF time 0.25 ms or more)
Pulse width: 16.7 ms or more Pulse interval: 33.4 ms or more (OFF time 16.7 ms or more)
Operation: at -10 to +50 ℃ 14 to 122 ℉ Storage: at -25 to +70 ℃ -13 to 158 ℉
30 to 85% RH (at 20℃ 68℉) with non-condensing
Between the isolated circuits: 2,000 V/1 min ・ Enclosure - All terminals ・ Between primary and secondary insulated circuits (Double insulation is supported) (1) Power supply terminals - other terminals (2) Voltage input terminal - other terminals
Between the isolated circuits: 100 MΩ or more
10 to 150Hz (7.5 minutes/cycle), Single amplitude: 0.75 mm 0.030 in (1 h on 3 axes) 10 to 55Hz (1 minute/cycle), Single amplitude: 0.375 mm 0.015 in (1 h on 3 axes)
Operation: at -10 to +50 ℃ 14 to 122 ℉ Storage: at -25 to +70 ℃ -13 to 158 ℉
30 to 85% RH (at 20 ℃ 68 ℉) with non-condensing
・Between the isolated circuits : 2,000 V/1 min • Enclosure - All terminals • Between primary and secondary insulated circuits (Double insulation is supported) (1) Power supply terminals - other terminals (2) Voltage input terminal - other terminals
Between the isolated circuits : 100 MΩ or more
・10 to 150 Hz (7.5 minutes/cycle) Single amplitude : 0.75 mm 0.030 in (1 h on 3 axes) ・10 to 55 Hz (1 minute/cycle) Single amplitude : 0.375 mm 0.015 in (1 h on 3 axes)
Min. 294 m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes)
Black-and-white LCD with backlight (graphic form)
500, 1000, 2000, 3000 ms (set with setting mode)
Internal memory
Under 2,000 m 6,562 ft
85 x 140 x 65 mm 3.346 x 5.512 x 2.559 in
Approx. 450 g (Main unit) Approx. 200 g (Expansion unit)
January 1, 2015 00 : 00 : 00 to December 31, 2099 23 : 59 : 59 (leap year supported)
Monthly accuracy Max. 15 sec. (at 25 ℃ +77 ℉)
About 1 month (by secondary battery When power off after 48-hour or more of power on time, at +23℃ +73.4 ℉)
5 minutes
R-current, S-current,T-current, N-current, Average of current R-voltage (L1-N), S-voltage (L2-N), T-voltage (L3-N), Average of phase-voltage, RS-voltage (L1-L2), ST-voltage (L2-L3), TR-voltage (L3-L1) Average of line-voltage Pulse count value
Every hour xx : 05 : 05 (fixed)
96 records for 1 file (for one-day)(Max. 60 days)
15 minutes
All items excluding for harmonics and conversion value for integral active power
Every hour xx : 15 : 05 (fixed)
2976 records for 1 file (for one-month)(Max. 24months)
1 minute
Present demand (active power, reactive power, apparent power, active power(export), reactive power(export)) Pulse conversion value for integral power, Present current demand (1), (2), (3)
Every hour xx : 25 : 05 (fixed)
1000 records for 1 file (Max. 100 files)
Power interruption, Over voltage, Under voltage, Over current, Under current (with time stamp of event occurrence and occurrence period)
Every hour xx : 35 : 05 (fixed)
1000 records for 1 file (Max. 100 files)
IEEE802.3u, 100BASE-TX / 10BASE-T
Synchronous communication method
Isolated with the internal circuits
MEWTOCOL, MODBUS (RTU)(select with setting mode)
99 units (max.) (Note): For RS485 converter on the computer side, we recommend SI-35 and SI-35USB (from LINE EYE Co.,Ltd.). When using SI-35, SI-35USB or PLC from our company (which can be connected up to 99 units), up to 99 can be connected. In case using this system with the other devices, up to 31 can be connected.
1,200 m 3,937 ft (Note): Please check with the actual devices when some commercial devices with RS485 interface are connected. The number of connected devices, transmission distance, and transmission speed may be different according to using transmission line.
Not available / Odd number / Even number (select with setting mode)
1 bit, 2 bit (select with setting mode)
100 Mbps / 10 Mbps
Base band
100 m 328 ft
UTP (category 5)
Setting, Monitoring measured values, Web customization (Note): Control Web Creator is necessary to customize the web.
Auto-negotiation function (Note) MDI/MDI-X auto-crossover function (Note): It changes the transmission speed automatically with auto-negotiation function.
MEWTOCOL,MODBUS(TCP)(2 session for each)
・Ethernet is the trademark of Xerox of USA. ・This product has the software developed by OpenSSL Project in order to use OpenSSL Toolkit. (http : //
PhotoMOS relay
100 mA, 30 V AC/DC
Pulse input Synchronized with input from outer device Measure maintenance time
Stand-by alarm/ Under voltage alarm/ Over voltage alarm/ Power interruption alarm/ Under current alarm/ Over current alarm/ Active power alarm/ Reactive power alarm/ Apparent power alarm/ PF alarm/ Over frequency alarm/ Under frequency alarm/ Voltage harmonics alarm/ Current harmonics alarm/ Voltage THD alarm/ Current THD alarm/ Unbalanced voltage alarm/ Unbalanced current alarm/Power demand alarm/ Current demand alarm/ Counter output/ Level output (external control)/ Time control
・ Self-reset (according to the setting) / Manual-reset
Zener diode
Lighting alarm mark
・Normal : OFF ・ Alarm : ON
100 mA, 30 V AC/DC
Input dedicated insulation (insulated with other function terminals)
Connection point / non-voltage a contact or open collector (operated by internal power source)
Non-voltage input ・ Impedance during short-circuit : 1 kΩ or less (short- circuit current, approx. 10 mA or less) ・ Residual voltage during short-circuit : 3 V or less ・ Impedance while open : 100 kΩ or more
2000 Hz / 30 Hz
0.25 ms (2000 Hz selected) / 16.7 ms (30 Hz selected) ON : OFF ratio = 1 : 1
Up to three decimal points can be selected
0.001 to 100.000 (set with setting mode)
1,000 to 99,000 pulse/kWh Arbitrary setting (External pulse converter required)
0.001 to 100.000 kWh/pulse
・Pulse width : 0.25 ms or more ・Pulse interval : 0.5 ms or more (OFF time 0.25 ms or more)
・Pulse width : 16.7 ms or more ・Pulse interval : 33.4 ms or more (OFF time 16.7 ms or more)
Operation: at -10 to +50 ℃ 14 to 122 ℉ Storage: at -25 to +70 ℃ -13 to 158 ℉
30 to 85% RH (at 20℃ 68℉) with non-condensing
Between the isolated circuits: 2,000 V/1 min ・ Enclosure - All terminals ・ Between primary and secondary insulated circuits (Double insulation is supported) (1) Power supply terminals - other terminals (2) Voltage input terminal - other terminals
Between the isolated circuits: 100 MΩ or more
10 to 150Hz (7.5 minutes/cycle), Single amplitude: 0.75 mm 0.030 in (1 h on 3 axes) 10 to 55Hz (1 minute/cycle), Single amplitude: 0.375 mm 0.015 in (1 h on 3 axes)
Min. 294 m/s2 (5 times on 3 axes)
Black-and-white LCD with backlight (graphic form)
500, 1000, 2000, 3000 ms (set with setting mode)
Internal memory
Under 2,000 m 6,562 ft
85 x 140 x 65 mm 3.346 x 5.512 x 2.559 in
Approx. 450 g
IEEE802.3u, 100BASE-TX / 10BASE-T
Synchronous communication method
Isolated with the internal circuits
MEWTOCOL, MODBUS (RTU)(select with setting mode)
99 units (max.) (Note) For RS485 converter on the computer side, we recommend SI-35 and SI-35USB (from LINE EYE Co.,Ltd.) . When using SI-35, SI-35USB or PLC from our company (which can be connected up to 99 units), up to 99 can be connected. In case using this system with the other devices, up to 31 can be connected.
1,200 m 3,937 ft (Note) Please check with the actual devices when some commercial devices with RS485 interface are connected. The number of connected devices, transmission distance, and transmission speed may be different according to using transmission line.
Stand-by alarm/ Under voltage alarm/ Over voltage alarm/ Power interruption alarm/ Under current alarm/ Over current alarm/ Active power alarm/ Reactive power alarm/ Apparent power alarm/ PF alarm/ Over frequency alarm/ Under frequency alarm/ Voltage harmonics alarm/ Current harmonics alarm/ Voltage THD alarm/ Current THD alarm/ Unbalanced voltage alarm/ Unbalanced current alarm/ Power demand alarm/ Current demand alarm/ Counter output/ Level output (external control)
Self-reset (according to the setting) / Manual-reset
Zener diode
Lighting alarm mark
Normal: OFF Alarm: ON
100 mA, 30 V AC/DC
Input dedicated insulation (insulated with other funct ion terminals)
Connection point / non-voltage a contact or open collector (operated by internal power source)
Non-voltage input ・ Impedance during short-circuit: 1 kΩ or less (short- circuit current, approx. 10 mA or less) ・ Residual voltage during short-circuit: 3 V or less ・ Impedance while open: 100 kΩ or more
2000 Hz / 30 Hz
0.25 ms (2000 Hz selected) / 16.7 ms (30 Hz selected) ON: OFF ratio = 1: 1
Up to three decimal points can be selected
0.001 to 100.000 (set with setting mode)
1,000 to 99,000 pulse/kWh Arbitrary setting (External pulse converter required)
0.001 to 100000 kWh/pulse
Pulse width: 0.25 ms or more Pulse interval: 0.5 ms or more (OFF time 0.25 ms or more)
Pulse width: 16.7 ms or more Pulse interval: 33.4 ms or more (OFF time 16.7 ms or more)