Static Elimination Sensors

Static charges on assembly lines can have devastating effects on sensitive workpieces. The solution is the new line of Panasonic Static Elimination Sensors. High-frequency AC ionizers offer extremely fast charge reduction by emitting a highly balanced ion stream directly to your parts before static discharge has a chance to damage them.

Constantly check static in assembly lines!  This new proposal for electrostatic measurement reduces the inspection man-hours for the ionizer. With this inline-capable surface potential Sensor, constantly monitor static that will be generated in various places in a process while running a line and, if there is any abnormality, respond to it immediately. It will clarify damage or failure caused by static which has been hard to find out before, allowing the maintenance of stable quality. Unlike the off-line measurement with a handheld instrument, it can be installed in a line in the same way as Photoelectric Sensors, thus reducing variation in measurements caused by differences in workers, measurement sites and distance to help improve reliability. 

Applications include surface potential measurement, measurement of frictional electrification and measurement of lead frame charge removal

  • Suitable for measuring under severe conditions
  • High-precision design with a repeatability precision of ±0.3 % F.S. 
  • Even very slight differences in potential will not be skipped over

Static Elimination Sensors

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Electrostatic Sensor EF-S1

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