Panasonic's TQT Series POSCAP™ Conductive Polymer Tantalum Solid Capacitors feature high voltage, large capacitance, and a long life span within a small case size. These POSCAP™ Capacitors are suitable for SSD Backup and for high load current applications.
The TQT Series offers a small thin size of 7.3 x 4.3 x 1.5 mm while featuring high reliability and high energy density. With high voltage and large capacity, the TQT Series Capacitors can withstand 2,000 hours at 105°C and can be used with SSDs and notebook PCs (equipped with Type-C)
Features and Benefits of the TQT Series
- High Voltage in USB Type-C Input/Output Capacitor For Up to 35V DC Voltage Rails
- 105°C @ 2,000 Hours Suitable For High Load Current Applications
- Small and Low Profile for Miniaturization Of Equipment
- Temperature Range: -55°C to 105°C
- Halogen Free
- RoHS Compliant
Applications for TQT Series
- USB Type-C
- Edge Servers
- Accelerator
TQT Series
Part number list
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