Interface: RS-485 (insulated)
Conversion COM port: COM2 (Note 1)
Communication style: 1: N communication
Number of connection units: Max. 99 units
Communication method: Half-duplex operation
Synchronous system: Synchronous communication method
Transmission distance:Max. 1,200 m
3,937 ft (Note 2)(Note 3)
Transmission speed: 2,400 / 4,800 / 9,600 / 19,200 / 38,400 / 57,600 / 115,200 bps
Connection connector quantity: Max. 3
COM reception time-out: Setting range 10 ms to 300 s
Non-transmission connection cut-off time: Setting range: 0 to 1800 s (Setting value of 0 is not cut off)
Transmission format (Data length): 8 bit fixed
Transmission format (Parity): Odd / even / none
Transmission format (Stop bit): 1 bit / 2 bit
Transmission format (End code): CR / CR+LF / None
Serial ⇔ Ethernet conversion format: Command response format
(Note 1) COM1 and COM2 can be used simultaneously.
(Note 2) When connecting a commercially available device, please confirm operation using the actual device. In some case, the number of stations, transmission distance, and communication speed vary depending on the connected device.
(Note 3) The values for the transmission distance, communication speed and number of stations should be within the values noted in the graph.