Bluetooth® Dual Mode (Bluetooth Classic/BLE)
Panasonic Dual Mode RF Modules require only 85.5 mm2, including antenna, of board area; 80% less than any multi-module or device design; all while reducing costs associated with incorporating two wireless technologies. These modules have been designed to be 100% pin compatible with other members of the PAN13xx family. This unique design feature enables designers to seamlessly transition between Bluetooth Classic, Low Energy and ANT™ enabled modules, addressing larger markets and providing migration paths to circumvent obsolescence.
Here you’ll find advanced design in tools such as CAD files, design guides, application notes, software guides / files, demonstration software, quick-start guides, command specifications and more!
Choose the right RF Module for the application. Get started with Panasonic's Wireless Connectivity Solutions Guide!

Bluetooth® Dual Mode (Bluetooth Classic/BLE)
Panasonic Dual Mode (Bluetooth Classic/BLE) RF Modules, requiring only 85.5 mm² of board space, save 80% space and costs while offering seamless transitions between Bluetooth Classic, Low Energy, and ANT™. They are 100% pin-compatible with the PAN13xx family and have extensive design resources.