Item | Performance characteristics |
Body Type | Radial lead type |
Polarity Type | Polar |
Rated Voltage (V) | 25 |
Capacitance (µF) | 330 |
Capacitance Tolerance (%) | -20 to 20 |
Tangent Of Loss Angle (Max.) | 0.14 |
Leakage Current (Max.) (μA) | 82.5 |
Operating Temperature Range (°C) | -55 to 145 |
Body Diameter (mm) | 10 |
Body Length (mm) | 9.5 |
Lead (Terminal) Pitch (mm) | 5 |
Rated Ripple Current (Freq.) (Hz) | 100000 |
Rated Ripple Current (mA) | 900 |
Rated Ripple Current (Unit) | mArms at 145 ℃ |
Rated ripple current-2(unit) | mArms at 135 ℃ |
E.S.R.-1 (Frequency) (Hz) | 100000 |
E.S.R.-1 (Max. Value) (mΩ) | 20 |
Endurance (h) | 2000 |
Forming & Packaging Feature | Lead taping (ammo packing), standard |
Appearance | Sheathless (metal case) |
Minimum Packaging Quantity (piece) | 500 |
Weight (Typ.) (g) | 1.251 |
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