P4SP Series (0.4mm pitch)
Panasonic's P4SP Series 0.4mm Pitch High Current Connectors are an expansion to the product line which are used for board-to-board connectivity, these parts come with shield plate and multi-ground terminals. These product variants offer mated heights of 2.5mm and 3.0mm in addition to the existing 1.5mm parts. The P4SP Series Connectors are capable of handling both power and signals and allow for realized space savings for the power line and increased design flexibility. The increased power handling capacity per pin helps designers use a lesser number of pins to meet the desired current requirements which can help to save space as well. Low contact resistance fosters high conductivity. These Connectors offer the flexibility to choose any pins to use as either a signal or a power pin.
Features of the P4SP Series Connectors
- High Current Capacity Per Pin
- No Designated Power Pins
- Low Contact Resistance
- High-Speed Transmission
- Same Form And Fit As Standard P4SP Connectors
Benefits of the P4SP Series Connectors
- Capable Of Maximum 5A For Power; Rated Current 1A/Pin (For Power) 0.5A/Pin (For Signal), Total: Max. 12A
- Increased Design Freedom: Any Pin Contact Can Be Used As Power Contact; Any Layout Is Possible For The Power Supply Line
- Max. 40 MilliOhms; Less Head Dissipation; High Conductivity
- Max. 10Gbps Is Available; Suitable For High-Speed Transmission Type Applications
The P4SP (0.40mm Pitch) Series High Current Connector product line has been partially Discontinued.
Please consult Panasonic Product Discontinuation Notice for specific Affected Part Numbers.
P4SP Series (0.4mm pitch)
Part number list
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