Flexible Circuit Board Materials Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP)


Used for high-speed, large-volume data transmission in mobile devices. Suitable as replacement for micro coaxial cable and millimeter-wave radar antenna.

Series image for Felios LCP

Felios LCP

Part number list

Results 1
Models table for series Felios LCP
Part No.DatasheetTg (DSC) (°C) Tg (TMA), (°C)Tg (DMA) (°C) Td (Thermal Decomposition) (°C) T288 (Without Cu) (min) T288 (With Cu) (min)CTE-X, CTE-Y CTE-Z CTE α2 Z-axis: Test Method IPC-TM-650 2.4.24; Condition A (ppm/℃) Thermal Conductivity, (W/m・K) Volume Resistivity (MΩ・cm) Surface Resistivity (mΩ)Dk at 1 GHzDk at 10 GHzDielectric Constant (Dk) @ 12Ghz; Test Method Balanced-type Circular Disk Resonator; Condition C-24/23/50Df at 1 GHzDf at 10 GHzDf at 12 GHzWater Absorption (%)Flexural Warp (MD) (GPa)Flexural Fill (TD) (GPa)Peel Strength (1 Oz. Cu) (kN/m) FlammabilitySample Thickness (mm)
3.3 Test method: Cavity resonance
0.002 Test method: Cavity resonance
0.04 Test method: Internal method
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